Key Skills

Year One Summer Term (1)

'Let's Listen'

National Curriculum

Improving Learning
 *I keep a mind map of what I have learned)
SC L2b.2 Communication

Class discussion to make a class mind map of items to show knowledge about sound.

Take children on a listening walk around school – both inside and out.  Record ideas onto a Carroll Diagram showing loud/quiet, inside/outside.  Discuss the recordings.

Science Assessment for Learning
SC4.3.c(that there are many kinds of sound & sources of sound
SC1 2.b (use first hand experience & simple information sources to answer questions
SC1 2.f (explore, using the senses of sight, hearing, smell,touch & taste, make & record observations & measurements

SC2 b. 2.3
*tables & drawings

Children to use tape recorder to do listening lotto of familiar sounds in the environment – small groups/whole class

SC4.3.c (that there are many kinds of sound & sources of sound)

Sc L2 b
Information Technology
*I use the computer to play science games where I have to investigate)
SCL2 b 3/4 Communication
*Drawings & labelled diagrams

Using ready resources CD – or musical instruments ICT program

Look at a variety of instruments & discuss sounds/how to play.
Cut & stick activities to sort instruments into how to play i.e. bang, pluck….
BBC Cats’ Eyes – sound video

S4.3.c (see above)

SC L2 c Working with others
*I make sure I work safety

Painting/observational drawings of instruments for display.

Art Link



Sc L2 a Communication Skills
*I describe my observations, using scientific vocabulary

Children to use found materials to make a variety of instruments.


Use instruments to play listening games to identify sounds.  Use specific language to describe sounds.




ICT link – espresso sounds, making music.  Musical instruments CD rom.

Sc 4.3.c(that there are many kinds of sound & sources of sound)
(DT link)


ICT link






SC L2 b1  Communication Skills
*I record my observations using text
SC L2 d  Communication Skills
*I use bulleted lists to describe the equipment I used and the steps I took.



DT L2c Problem Solving
*I investigate a range of products and say how they are put together and whether they do what they are supposed to do).


Discuss with class how we hear – children to draw and label a picture of our head showing how sound travels to the ear – record using labels.



Whole class discussion to plan an experiment to show that distance can make sounds appear fainter – use bulleted list to list equipment and procedure on IWB.  Children to go onto Year 1/2 yard to carry out test.  Record with pictures, labels, written text.






Look at a variety of puppets and discuss materials used and how to make puppets work.  Look at water puppets on ICT Espresso. 
Children to make observational drawings of a selection of puppets.

Sc4 3.d(that sounds travel away from sources, getting fainter as they do so and that they are heard when they enter the ear.

Sc4 3.d (see above)
Sc1 2a(ask questions) 2b(use 1st hand experience & simple information to answer questions) 2c(think about what might happen before deciding what to do) 2d (recognise when a test or comparison is unfair)
Sc1 2f(explore, using the senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, record & observe)
Sc1 2g(communicate what happened in a variety of ways)

D.T 5.a (investigating & evaluating a range of familiar products)


DT L2e Communication skills
*I recount the design and make process with lively detail
DTL2a Application of Maths
*I can estimate the size of things by comparing, using language like: bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest, about the same as.
DT L2a Working with Others
*I sometimes work with a partner to design & make a product
DT L2b Improving own learning
*I evaluate my work, saying if it does what I wanted it to do and whether it is a quality product
DT L2 a/b Problem Solving
*I plan what to do next when working on my designs.  I select the right tools, techniques and materials and explain why I have chosen them).

Children to discuss various ways of making puppets and the materials needed – wooden spoon puppets, finger puppets, plate puppets, stick puppets, hand puppets.

Children to design, make and evaluate different types of puppets.  Use puppets in a selection of small plays/ in small puppet theatre (Literature link).

DT 1a (generate ideas by drawing on their own & other people’s experiences)
DT 1b (develop ideas by shaping materials & putting together components)
DT 1c (talk about their ideas)
DT. 2a (select tools, techniques & materials for making their product)
DT 2b (Explore the sensory qualities of materials)
DT 2c (measure, mark out, cut & shape a range)
DT 2d (assemble, join & combine materials)
DT 2e (use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product)
DT 2f (follow safe procedures for food safety & hygiene)


As above

Main Design Brief

Children to use resourced felt puppet templates to design simple puppets.  Children to practice running stitch to join 2 pieces of fabric.  Children to add features for face, hair etc.  Stitches to add features.

DT 1a (see above)
DT 2a – f (see above)
DT 3 a (talk about their ideas, saying what they like & dislike) 3 b (identify what they could have done differently or how they could improve their work in the future)







History Level 2
Communication Skills
*Pictures (art) to tell people what I know about the past.

Children to create backgrounds and props in small groups to produce puppet show (Literacy Link).
Addition of sound effects (CD)




Class teacher to choose a key figure/invention to focus upon – i.e. telephone Alexander Graham Bell/radio – Marconi.
2007 – choice of Logie Baird -
Children to make a list of types of T.V. programmes that we watch these days.  Children to draw and write about their favourite television programme.

Literature Link
Speaking & Listening




Problem Solving Level 2
*I can find out about the past by looking carefully at evidence and I answer questions.






Improving Own Learning & Performance Level 2
*I add to my list of ways I find out about the past.
*I am beginning to know that these different types of evidence tell us different things about the past.




Improving Own Learning & performance Level 2
*I add to my list of ways I find out about the past.
*I am beginning to know that these different types of evidence tell us different things about the past.

*I can sequence the main episodes from a famous event

Children to watch black & white children’s television programmes.  Discuss differences and comparisons.








Class to make up some questions to ask parents or grandparents about television when they were children.  A Visitor could come into school to answer children’s questions about the past.








Class to use research on internet to find out facts about the invention of the television.  Attempt to answer key questions of who, when, where etc….. Look at a variety of televisions and try to position them on chronological timeline showing old >>> new.

History 5 (Pupils should be taught to select from their knowledge of history & communicate it in a variety of ways)


History 4 a) to find out about the past from a range of sources of information.
b) ask and answer questions about the past.

History 5 (see above)
History 1 a (place events & objects in chronological order) b (use common words & phrases relating to the passing of time)
History 2 a (recognise why people did things, why events happened & what happened as a result b (identify differences between ways of life at different times.


Links – BBC science videos, programmes on sound BBC Science clips on website, Topmarks Science, Musical instruments CD Rom, Science Resources CD Rom.

ICT 1 a (gather information from a variety of sources

ICT 5 b (talking about the uses of ICT inside & outside school)